
Monday, December 3, 2012

what is your truth?

Hey there,
I know its been a while since I wrote to you. Yeah been busy. Trying to make it in this crazy world. But as I have been busy with different things I came to a pause and thought of something and I want you to do the same. WHAT IS YOUR TRUTH?
I know its a rather vague question but let me break it down and maybe it will make some sense.I have been encountering different people, people from all walks of life but there seems to be one thing that seems to be the driver or motivator and that is money. Then it hit me the world is so absorbed in appearances and the pursuit for money but has forgotten the pursuit of self truth and happiness.What's your truth? What is your purpose in life? Why do we let other people dictate or beat us into a path? God created us and had a plan and purpose for us. Why is it that we want to follow what has worked for someone else to be our path? A lot of us are so scared to follow our dreams, grow our talents and fly because of the uncertainties that are ahead, but guess what? Life has only two sure things and those are WE were born and We will die. All the rest are uncertainties. sure you will make mistakes, sure you will fall but what makes a man great is not never falling but just the strength and courage that he gathers to get up from each fall, dust himself up and keep pushing on.Sure the world will judge and laugh at you but guess what? that is what they are there for. I learnt something and that is that i may not be much but believe me i am all i got. and i believe its Euripides that said "There is just one life for each of us: our own."
This is my massage to you, take a chance,believe in yourself, dare to dream, Trust your God and follow your truth. But all this begins with one question.WHAT IS YOUR TRUTH?
stay blessed

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