
Monday, December 3, 2012

letter to my Generation

My letter to my generation
Young Africans,
I hope you are fine this sunny morning, I woke up and the sun was so bright and seemed angry with the people it had to shine for. I am writing to you to let off my chest what I have observed and what is really saddening. Just sit down and read my letter much as you may not like what I have to say.
I was walking around and started to wonder What happened to the african man that believed in developing his nation? What happened to the likes of Kwame Nkrumahs, Jomo Kenyattas, Nnambi Azikiwe, Nelson mandelas and Ben kiwanukas of africa? Is this what they had in mind when they fought for us? Is this the generation they were hoping to see take over their hard work? Less and less of us want to be part of the constructive part of Africa, but a vast majority of us will gladly join in as we destroy the progress that has come to pass. Think about it the vast majority of us will join in to create commotion and vandalize our own nations. We are a generation
of opportunists and scavengers like hyenas and vultures we are afraid to hunt our own food but opt to wait and eat the crap left by others. We have forgotten the value of hard work and the pride of the African man. All over the world the African man is associated with conning people and laziness....hmm that is Not the image of the African man our fore fathers had painted, they were hardworking, they were articulate, they were proud, they were developmental, innovative and most of all they were PATRIOTIC. were is your patriotism? Is it in the strikes? Is it in the fraud? Is it in the protests? Is it in the bribery? Is it in the embezzlements? You have sold you soul for a few coins, a judas to your nations and your continent. You watch the greedy and selfish come in and take over your land take you back to colonialism and you applaud saying they are saving you from tyranny and bad governance, Really!!!! You sit and don't work and blame your government for not creating jobs yet your lands back home are left unattended to.
African man please stand up, please , please stand up.
Stop living what you see on TV,Take responsibility as a man, pull you pants up, speak to elders with respect, respect women, educated or not go to work. You were once the source of knowledge, from you civilization and development to structure, today you are the poster boy for disease and poverty, you have thrown away all your manly values,you have no constructive and developmental conversations but choose to shout profanity and nonsense,You destroy your home in pretense of seeking democracy, you sell your people and home for comfort today have you thought of tomorrow? You laugh as your neighbor falls have you thought that that same enemy will come for you next?
If we don't change our ways I weep for Africa if we are the people that are going to inherit it.
Once again I say
Your fellow African

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