
Wednesday, November 25, 2015


21 awesomely designed beds that are too amazing.

Below are 20 of the most cleverly designed beds that are quite too awesome to sleep in! Some of them are created to perfection while some some are created just for the sake of design while scrificing the comfort.

If you are looking for a unique bed design, you can surely find something worth your time with below design options.
pool bed
tree house bed
Adult Bed Bunk
Magic Bed
Trap Bed
Gothic Bed
Inbuilt Speakers Bed
SouthWestern Themed Bed
Rocking Bed for adults
Pirate Themed
Beer Barrel Bed
Dream Bed

Forever Alone
Disney Princess
Car Bed
Cadillac Bed
Book Lovers Bed
Bed Of Ice

All in One Bed.

Pythagorean cup

Pythagorean cup (also known as a Pythagoras cup, a Greedy Cup, a Tantalus cupor as o kounenos tsi dikaiosynis) is a form of drinking cup that forces its user to imbibe only in moderation. Credited to Pythagoras of Samos, it allows the user to fill the cup withwine or any other liquid up to a certain level. If they fill the cup only to that level, the imbiber may enjoy a drink in peace. If they exhibit gluttony, however, the cup spills its entire contents out of the bottom (onto the lap of the immodest drinker).

Form and function

A Pythagorean cup looks like a normal drinking cup, except that the bowl has a central column in it – giving it a shape like aBundt pan. The central column of the bowl is positioned directly over the stem of the cup and over the hole at the bottom of the stem. A small open pipe runs from this hole almost to the top of the central column, where there is an open chamber. The chamber is connected by a second pipe to the bottom of the central column, where a hole in the column exposes the pipe to (the contents of) the bowl of the cup.
When the cup is filled, liquid rises through the second pipe up to the chamber at the top of the central column, following Pascal's principle of communicating vessels. As long as the level of the liquid does not rise beyond the level of the chamber, the cup functions as normal. If the level rises further, however, the liquid spills through the chamber into the first pipe and out the bottom. Gravity then creates a siphon through the central column, causing the entire contents of the cup to be emptied through the hole at the bottom of the stem. Some modern toilets operate on the same principle: when the water level in the bowl rises high enough, a siphon is created, flushing the toilet.

This New Google Project.

It seems that the intricacies of technology are only speeding up, and every day we get closer to the sci-fi future predicted in so many novels and movies.
In a recent video from Google, we got a look into what that future might look like. Google introduced a new product called Project Soli, which uses radar technology to detect movements to such a detailed degree that you can use subtle finger movements to control it.
The technology can capture 10,000 frames per second, an unprecedented level of information processing to be put into such a small chip.
"What is most exciting about it is that you can shrink the entire radar and put it into a tiny chip," Ivan Poupyrev, Project Soli Founder, said in a YouTube video. "That's what makes this approach so promising: it's extremely reliable. There is nothing to break, no moving part, no lenses, just a piece of sand on a board."

Olympics Torch Bearer.

I want to share something about The Torch.

Some might not know much about it, but a closer example is of the London Summer Olympics.

I wrote this post when London had the 2012 Summer Olympics and the Olympic torch relay begun on May 18th 2012. This ceremonial event, where people from all walks of life carry the Olympic torch across the host country, is particularly symbolic to those who began this Olympic traditions.

In Greek mythology, the original “torch-bearer” was Prometheus, the Titan who stole fire from the gods in order to give it to humanity. Fire was considered by ancients as being a tiny spark of the sun, which was considered to be the physical manifestation of deity (see Sun Worship). By bringing fire to mankind, Prometheus has therefore enabled humans to partake in “all things divine” and even allowed them to aspire to become gods themselves. For this reason, Prometheus is particularly revered in secret societies, as his myth is the ultimate representation of the philosophy and the goals of mystery schools: ascension towards divinity and immortality through man’s own means.

In esoteric teachings, the act of “carrying the torch” is symbolic of man’s awareness of his own “divine spark” and represents his aspiration to become “one of the gods”. This is, in a nutshell, the core philosophy of the world’s elite, which is heavily influenced by the hermetic teachings of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and Illuminism. For this reason, Prometheus’ Torch of Illumination is often found in the occult elite’s symbolism.

Prometheus Fountain at the Rockefeller Center. Behind the fountain is written: “Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends.” Read the full Vigilant Citizen article on the symbolism of the Rockefeller Center in the article entitled

Probably the most famous torch bearer in the world, the Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by French Grand Orient Temple Freemasons.

The first relaying of the Olympic torch was held at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, during the Nazi Regime. Despite the fact that Hitler banned Masonic organizations from Germany (he identified them as servants of the Jews), his regime was nevertheless inspired and deeply steeped in by secret societies. He had a great respect for the symbolism and the constitution of secret societies.